
Weekend Ride in Squamish

When: July 13, 2024 - 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Where: Squamish - Tantalus Bike Shop
40194 Glenalder Place, Squamish, BC, V0N 1T0


Ride Captain: Mark Wilson

Meet at 10:00 am. Be ready to ride at 10:15 am.
Be prepared with enough snacks and water for a 3 hour ride.

Join us after the ride for food and beverages at the Free Bird Oyster Bar – 40900 Tantalus Rd, Squamish, BC.

RSVP is mandatory for all rides.  RSVP is open at 6pm on Sunday, July 7th

Please be prepared to show proof of membership ( digital card or confirmation email) if you are asked.

No Shows are Super un-cool.  If you sign up, please come.  If something comes up, no worries, but please change your status.

Check forum by 8 am for any ride cancellations in case of questionable weather.

New to the club? Welcome!

When you arrive to your first ride, our Leaders are there to help. Seek out a smiling face in an NSRide Jersey if you have questions or need to be pointed in the right direction.

Make sure to also check out our What to bring section.

You must be a member to see groups.